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A sneak-peek at Litter Box Cats – and SB Nation – version 2.0


As hockey fans we may well be staring down a dark and ugly chasm not at all of our making, but those of us at Litter Box Cats are thrilled to share with y’all a quick glance at a very small portion of the next step in our community’s evolution: SB Nation – our parent network and home to over 300 “blogs” representing just about every relevant sport on these shores (and a few other continents as well) – will be undergoing a major and substantial revamp over the next few months.

Much more than a shiny new logo (one based entirely on longtime LBC member National Mario’s superb design from a year ago), our network’s efforts represent a “unification” which will run throughout each community, bonding us together as a family while retaining each of our individual site voices. Yes, all of the unique goodness you’ve come to expect such as FanShots, FanPosts, Game Threads and so forth will still be here in enhanced form, but first-time visitors – as well as site elders – will find the interface much more user-friendly to navigate, while specific news & articles relating to certain players and organizational happenings will be far easier to access. Might be a few other surprises in store as well. In fact there are many new surprises on tap, so do keep checking in.

Regardless of a lockout/strike/insert-labor-issue-here situation in the National Hockey League, we at LBC are still just fans of the game and team we love, whether that emotion stretches back numerous decades to other clubs or simply several months following an extraordinary season and playoff appearance by the Panthers. Stay tuned!